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  • Date:25/09/2022 01:47 PM
  • Location Drymere, Swaffham PE37 8AS, UK (Map)


Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District canine society premier open show

Rough collie Judge Paula Meacham (Zellamere)

Puppy class Flint placed 2nd

Limit class Percy 1st 

Open class Aslan 1st and Reserve best of breed.

Smooth Collie judge Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

Special Yearling class 1st Angel and Reserve best of breed

Limit class Diablo 2nd


For the rough collies

Rough Collie Judge Jane Paradise

Puppy class 2 entered 1 absent

1st Cinders, A bouncy merle girl who would benefit from carrying a little more weight at this stage. Parallel head planes, pretty eyes. Nice forelegs with adequate bone. She needs to tighten in front a little. Holds a good topline and moves steadily with parallel hocks. Only 8 months old and has plenty of time to develop slowly, Happy to award her Best Puppy in Breed

SPY class 2 entered 1 absent

1st Rumba Almost 18 months old girl. Nicely made front and rear with good angulation and topline. Clean eyes and good head planes with ears set well and held alertly. The white part of the coat glistens. Moved smartly with enthusiasm. Awarded her Reserve Best of Breed

For the smooth collies

Judge Mrs Jane Eyeington

Special Yearling class

1st Corben’s Crownbred Butterflywings via Caprioara

Blue Merle bitch coming up to two years old. Pleasing shape when stood in profile. Feminine head, nicely tapering with a flat skull. Lovely kind and alert dark eyes. Clean neck of good length, enough depth to the brisket, limbs show moderate bone. Nice spring of rib, and holding a firm level topline, would like a fraction more weight on her. Her Hindquarters are well angulated. Moved with lovely drive on her side gait, just a little loose in her front action. Well handled.

Judge Mrs Jane Eyeington

Limit class

2nd Corben’s and Moore’s Stormsett Shadow Dancer via Caprioara

A heavier set 2-year-old tri boy. Hi head is masculine with a kind expression, a little broader in back skull but well-proportioned and creating the desired blunt wedge. Powerful and muscular neck, good depth to the brisket and well developed in the fore chest. Well boned limbs, fleet a little flat. Strong and muscular hindquarters. Super drive on the move and good width behind. A little untidy in front