10 Oct

Well, a lot been happening here in the last few weeks. 

One horse in particular keeps escaping so more fencing has been put up Gypsy is the culprit, somehow, she manages to get under or over the tapes and get into the next field, the other two Arnie and Cookie don’t follow. 

We went to an open show on a cold and blustery day the ground was so dug up that my poor scooter couldn't make it across to the rings without keep conking out. Had to get off and push lol. 

It was very hard for Georgie to run round in the ring, but she still managed to pull of good placings, see the showing page for more details. 

We also had another open show and again the results will be on the showing page.

Flint is now coming to the end of the puppy classes as he will be a year old in Oct, again where has the time gone, just flown by. 

Our next Champ show will be LKA in December and this will be our Raffles first veteran Class so will have to see how it goes, he is 7 ends of November just makes me feel so old now. 

We took Impulse and Bonnie and Simba to a small fun show just to basically get them out to see people they were not placed but Bonnie was really good liked being around other people and she did enjoy being in the ring I am thinking of having a go showing her have to see, and Impulse (my tofty) loved it she stood and moved well in the xbreed class, many there wondered what mix she was, as many have never seen a Welsh sheepdog,  many thought she was a border collie, But when I explained what the future for this breed is they were really interested.

The weather has been not too bad, but you can now begin to feel the chill in the air, and as we welcome autumn on the farm, we are hoping for not too much rain (what do you think our chances are?)

I am still waiting for some of the girls to come into season although with this financially current climate I like a lot of other breeders will only be having one litter 

other news our Thistle has now mated his first girl and we will know in 5 weeks if this has been successful, if anyone wishes to use any of our stud dog's pedigrees and DNA results are sent on request so again, please get in touch. 

We hope you are enjoying our web site and we are always open to ideas from you as to what else you would like to see added, as this web site is for both old and new collie people, we want it to be informative, interesting and a place where you love to revisit, so please if you have any ideas let us know, make sure you browse all the different sections as we add to them as much as we can. 

If anyone wishes to be added to the Caprioara connection section, please let me know and I will add you or if you are already on that section, you can have it updated just let me know and it will be done. I love that section as it tells people what others are up too with their collies, and it makes it more of a family as I hope you all feel that your part of our family.

Lastly please remember as the nights draw in and your pets go out into your gardens go out there with them many pets get stolen on the dark nights from gardens as gardens are not always well lit, and also if fireworks go off you are there to stop them taking fright and running off. Take care my friends, keep warm stay safe and keep the fur babies close. 

Till we meet again ......kit

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