26 Jan

Another week has gone by, and the sun is out as I write this ( makes a change, have forgotten what the sun looks like lol). Caught up on all the washing for the dogs ( I don’t know spend more money and time on the dogs than I do on myself and Barry) 

We went to the last champ show to qualify for Crufts 2022, Manchester show at Stafford, well the gang ( Aslan Magic Angel) all got kicked out of their classes except for good old Secrets her first show in years and she was placed 4Th in her veteran class. The gang all showed their socks off and went really well for Georgie, we were a little disappointed but at least the gang did their best and we take the best dogs home. 

This show was the first time that Catherine and her partner Antony came with us as they had two of there pups entered ( Rain and Pixie) 

This was Rain’s second show and Pixie’s first) Rain showed herself off and was in one of the largest classes of the day ( 17 entries) and was unplaced but its all experience. 

Pixie was in the junior class ( even tho she is a puppy as Georgie cannot show both in the same class) which had 7 entries and Pixie was unsure and a little unsettled but managed to win the 5th place, Georgie and all of us were so pleased with this result ( as two weeks ago Pixie wouldn’t even walk on a lead) so we all had a good day.

Catherine and Antony seemed to enjoy it even tho we had such an early start ( 4am) so hopefully they will be coming to shows more often, they took many pics of the day ( some here and others either in the dogs own albums or will be in Georgie’s judging section.

Drum roll if you please.........our Crufts gang is as follows 

Ghost in veteran dog class 

Thistle in Post grad class 

Diablo in Post Grad class ( smooth) 

Angel in Junior class ( smooth) 

Omordha Lucky Charm ( River) puppy class 

Raffles did also Qualify for Crufts but sadly he has not been too well lately so decided he wasn’t going. 

To get this many qualified this particular year has been difficult as there have been many shows cancelled especially at the beginning of this year 2021 but the shows are now coming thick and fast for this year so maybe more will be going to Crufts in 2023 ( more money I think ) this showing hobby is really expensive and not for the faint hearted lol. 

Just to keep you in the loop my home bred girl Narnia ( or banana if your Barry) will now be starting her show career her first show will be in a couple of weeks time, and Flint starts at ring craft next week. Pics of them will be taken. 

So now your up to date and another week awaits hopefully the field will be a bit dryer this week and the dogs can have a good old run out there. I thank you for taking the time you spend reading our posts and pages, as it means a lot to us, for without you this web site would not be worth our time, we do this for you and any new prospective puppy owners, to give you as much info and also to keep up to date with the parents of your dogs. 

I will leave you with a thought, whatever age and whatever pet you have make them your whole world, because that’s what you are to them, you are there reason to be happy to have fun, so make each day count, be the best owner you can, enjoy your time together for its only a short time they are with us. 

Till next time

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