28 Feb

This is the news (should now have the sound of big ben striking 10 lol) 

We survived the two latest storms although quite a few branches have been blown down but the kennels and this caravan are still standing ( yes I know an Elton John song ) we did however have a power cut although it only lasted a couple of hours. We were all huddled up in the front room keeping dry and warm even the cats were taking refuge from the high winds. Then soon as storm Eunice decided do one another storm decided to give us a visit but at least this one was not so bad, so we all weathered the storm’s, we hope you managed to keep dry and that your fences, roofs etc stayed put. 

In last weeks news I hinted at their being an exciting event well I can now tell all ( drum roll) ...We have a new kid on the block, a new stud, a handsome black boy, I now co own with Angela Harvey his name is Percy and he is a most handsome chap. His coat is coal black and he is a super dog, he will enrich my line and bring new DNA results into my breeding programme as well as going to the shows and we will see what the judges think of him. So Angela I owe you, and a big thank you. Watch this space for more details as he get’s used to being with us. More pics will of course follow.

We had a show last sat at Newark and notts show ground we decided to leave here early because we didn't know what state the roads would be in, on the way we saw a heavy transport lorry upside down in a ditch so the wind had been bad around here. 

There were nice large classes ( people are getting in the last lot of practice before Crufts ) the results for this show are on ( you guessed it) our showing page. 

And I must add here a Big Thank you to the Judge of the day San di Tadd. 

we also had a show this Sunday just gone again results on showing page 

Then its looking forward to the Champ shows scattered around the country, cant wait see what the judges think of all our dogs. So for now folks stay safe be happy enjoy the days with your dogs and now we can see there are slightly longer nights, around here the fields are beginning to sprout with daffs so spring will be here soon yipeeeeeeee. 

Just wanted too add please if anyone reading this has a collie from us let us have new pics of them either email to us or add to our fb page would be great to see them. 

Till next week .......

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