25 Apr

Well peeps, today was a hot one sunny no breeze and lots and lots of bright blue clear skies, I know not seen for a long time, get your dark glasses out.

We had a photo shoot here today a bit fraught as some dogs were determined not to cooperate (you know the type) but undeterred we carried on.

The setting was between a small line of tress, all knarled and old but with lots of leaves and so we started, we had the leads tied around each tree and then tied the dogs to them. It went well with the first two (Aslan and Simba) so they were in the can (look at me got the movie talk already) 

Then came the two pups Thistle and Magic, what can I add chaos describes it best, Thistle just sat there and looked regal but Magic was trying to hang her self, then tried to climb the tree, she though stuff this for a game and tried to wriggle out of the collar, eventually she thought cant be bothered and sat and looked reasonable good for her pic 

Then we came to the blues Captain , Ice , Fern and Ghost they were tied to the trees and all went ok until I stepped back to take the pics then ice thought "I am off " she jumped up and snapped her collar, and almost runaway , was caught and put into the field so that was the end of that.

We then had pearl out with Georgie and Raffles with Georgie and that went so well got lovely pics.

Georgie and Pearl

Georgie with Raffles 

With that we decided not to bother with the others so just let the others in the field.

Not to stress full today lets see what this week brings. Now remember folks do as the gov say stay safe stay in anyone got any hand santizer?

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