18 Jun

Captain "  Hi everyone I was going to have the week off but I thought I would fill you in on what I heard Kat who does the web site work has hard a hard week and has took the week off , I think she has got to big for her boots lol lol , humans you can't live without them but sometimes it hard to live with them, now I am going for the week catch you later"

Morning all (I sound like a policeman,  sorry police person need to be politically correct).

Well we are ok here as we don’t have any statues of anyone for people to get up tight about...Just a very large rock that is mentioned in the doomsday book, don’t think anyone can take Umbridge at that? But you never know so will have to keep all eyes open to see if hordes of people turn up.

I had a week off from writing the news as I sent Captain to fill in for me and ever since he’s been moaning cause I haven't given him anything tasty as extra payment, I don't know he only loungers around all day and wakes up when its dinner time , he keeps on about he’s an old gezzer, and needs his sleep.

Well this week we had a bit of a drama …. Our settee collapsed (no folks I wasn’t sitting on it at the time sorry to disappoint ), the wood had just collapsed, so Barry went off to our wood pile here and found an old door and a couple of other bits, got the nails out and hay presto he mended it ( now anyone who knows Barry knows he isn’t a DIY man, but its still up and we are sitting on it, so he must have done a good job.)

The other drama is that one of the horses in the field managed to escape and step over one of the fences and almost get into the next door’s farmers field , that would of been fun trying to catch him. So now the horses are in the other field till it can be repaired, those horses all ways think the grass is greener just over the fence.

We took Thistle and Diablo out for a walk in the next village just sat and watch the small amount of traffic go by, they seemed ok and wasn’t to bad with the traffic as they havn’t seen much of that, and sadly or perhaps it’s a good thing we here in Wales are still in lock down, so those of you in England that can visit friends and family albeit out side think your self lucky we cant even leave Wales unless we are key workers and only a few shops can open apart from food shops, but on the brighter side we don’t have many covid cases and its dropping so maybe the future for us is getting brighter.

Our dogs are now enjoying the smaller field although we do still get a few walkers going through it, so we have to sit out with the dogs just in case as the dogs think any walker is a burgler and tries to see them off.

I have entered Thistle in a photo dog show in puppy class under 6 months and he came second so well done Thistle, and this was the picture.

One day in the week we will be going to the local beach with a couple of the dogs just to have a break in the scenery as once you have seen one blade of grass or one field you have seen it all lol.

Hope the rain stays away and we get the heat wave back again that makes it here even more bearable.

Hope you are all ok and that you are safe and well and that all your pets are good too, the office kittens ar9e6 now*/ trying to join in by walking over my key board and trying to lick the screen maybe next week I should let them write the news ;’[-=.,loiy there at it again, must go now ,lfsurjt,dm they certainly getting in on the act lol

I took this pic the other day when the sun was out so for those of you that know my dogs can you name them, put the answers on own Facebook page.

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