Howdy folks yes its that time again another lot of news coming your way. Firstly we are now settling in here on the farm takes a bit of getting used too, and yes the suns out here but we don’t see much of it for the trees and trees and yet more trees, but they are beginning to be cut back so some don’t look like triffids anymore .
The pups I had from Secrets and Aslan have nearly all been sold have 2 tri boys left now so if anyone interested?
Ruben, Obi ,Saffaphire, Bonnie and my one Narnia are enjoying life with the new owners, all the owners of all my pups ( litters of old ) are brilliant and love there collies to the moon and back and I thank you all for liking our collies enough to want to spend your lives with them. The pups are so lucky to have you.
Secrets is now retired from being a mum and what a good mum she has been giving me 3 litters of wonderful healthy pups, she will now have a long life here with us with the rest of her family, thank you Secrets.
Georgie is getting back to showing and enjoying it but she is finding out just how much she has forgotten, but she keeps on talking to other exhibitors and learning by watching and asking questions good on you Georgie keep it up.
This farm seems to be growing on me wasn’t sure about it at first, but feeling a bit more like home.
Just want to say thanks to all our friends who read these news pages and who visit this web site means a lot to us to know you find this interesting and comments from you help us to include what ever topics you wish so please add comments this web site IS FOR YOU. Sadly the summer seems to be coming to a close ( what summer I hear you shout, it was only for a few weeks) well that’s what we seem to get now a summer of only a few weeks. Now the nights are drawing in and its getting a bit colder wonder how bad the winter gets here wonder if we get snow as we never did in the part of Wales where we lived.
If you wish to read Soda’s obituary please go to our Fields of Gold page.
So now its almost time for me to go,
To the light up in the sky
For me to watch over you
Till you come to greet me
With your wings entwined with mine
For eternity.... together.
The Remembrance garden is coming along nicely and I will take new pics when its finished. So now i will close with a thought for a day, Make sure you hug those close too you, tell them you love them and make every day count, do something nice for someone else and stay safe and make sure you SMILE.