30 Jun

Firstly I want to say that we have had no internet here on the farm for almost a month which is why it has been so quiet on our web site and on the FB pages. BT do not work quickly even tho they charge high prices, so to say I am not impressed with BT is an understatement. 

The weather was you all know dreadful especially as its supposed to be summer but over the last few days its been hot hot hot hope it lasts. We have been to a few shows and once again spent time with other liked minded friends at the shows. 

There are the results on the showing page and also please take a look at Georgie's showing page so you can catch up with what she has been doing. And I would like to ask if anyone is looking for stewards for there shows Georgie would love to take part.

We also have had some disappointments over the last few weeks some of our girls were mated but we had no puppies confirmed so for those waiting for pups sorry but the wait will be a little longer, its in the lap of the Gods. 

I also wanted to say a big thank you to Abagail for taking some pics of my dogs and also for letting us stay with her for a few days we really enjoyed the break, looking forward to perhaps doing it again

I found a very interesting poster concerning vaccines so have a look what’s on there might surprise you

 A message from Georgie . I have been showing dogs for well over 2 years now, I really enjoy handling and showing the dogs and I am also now enjoying showing and handling other peoples dogs. I am always more than happy to help anyone who needs it and it also helps me to learn how to show other breeds especially ones I may not be used to, its all for me to learn. Some grooming friends have also been giving me tips on grooming and I am always ready to learn. I am now a committee member for a collie club, and I am so grateful to those that recommended me for this position, I am looking forward to many years on this committee. I am also looking to steward at some shows and to work my way onto the judging ladder, so if anyone is looking for stewards please remember me. So if any of you see me around at the shows and you need help just come and ask I will be delighted, I am so excited looking to the future in the world of dogs.

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