08 May

Hello campers Hi de Hi.... well we have been gifted a touring caravan, I wont say who by but you know who you are a big thank you really doesn't say enough, but we really are over come buy your generosity so thanks too you we can now get back to camping at some shows. 

I thought for this months news I would do something a bit different, I am adding posters and information on a few subjects that I get asked about, so I hope this helps 

Firstly the drugs that can harm a MDR1 affected dog, there are many of them and the list changes all the time so I always suggest you google MDR1 drugs not to take, do this often and you will then be kept UpToDate. , The fb group is MDR1 and Ivermectin awareness group. Once you have joined then go to the files at the top of page and read them.

Secondly concerning the pros and cons of naturing /spaying, read up on this don’t just take the vets advice (remember that vets have a vested interest in getting you to neuter early) there are all manner of things to take into consideration, never make this decision quickly once done cannot be reversed. do some homework on the subject. 

Thirdly vaccinations and the Lepto 2 and 4 and the implications and stories from others that have used this vaccine there is a fb page where you can read and also ask questions, remember to again not make any decisions in a hurry and ring round as many vets in your area to get price and details on what vaccines they use the fb page is Nobivac Lepto 4-our experiences please once you join go to the files at the top of page and read them. 

Now for another, if you have rough collies no matter what there MDR1 result is always keep to safe tried and tested medication, the best worming advice and one which I follow is to give either rabbit or cow ears with the fur on as this is a naturel wormer give a couple of times a week or if not then use panacur this is safe on all rough collies and if you suspect lung worm in your dog then you double the dose of the panacur and give for 4 days and not the 3 it says on box, and yes it is very effective on lung worm. 

Now for fleas, again try and use naturel products as you don’t want to give lots of chemicals, garlic capsule once a day will work on fleas and ticks takes 2 weeks to get into the dogs system, or you can use what I use and that’s Johnson's 4 fleas one tablet once a month, or if not and you have many fleas then the vet is the best place to go.

Another question I am often asked is my pup doesn't like to be brushed. Well if you start as soon as you get the pup it will be better, and the fur will be easy to brush on one so young , firstly don’t make it a game, secondly have plenty of treats, get your brush in one hand start to brush have the treat in the other hand and brush and treat at same time, only do this for a few mins then play with pup using a toy then repeat as many times each day as you can, brushing and play will help the bond between you and will make grooming a pleasure for you and the dog. If the pup goes to get the brush whilst you are grooming then stop tell him off sternly but not to frighten the pup then start again. Get the scissors and tap and touch pups pads make out your cutting the fur on feet also do the same that’s make out your cutting fur round ears so pup gets used to the sound and movement of the scissors. As pup grows teach pup to wear a muzzle again using treats and too be touched around bum head eyes ears and belly and to have the feet and paws lifted and felt, this will help the vet should ever the pup become ill and needs vet treatment and there is nothing stopping you going to vet and just walking around inside taking a little time to get your pup accustomed to the surgery smell and coming and goings, any good vet wont mind you teaching this to your pup.

Hope these help and will add another selection in a future news item. So have a lovely month of may and that the weather is kind too us all. And if any of those that read this are at either dog shows or camping at the dog shows and you see us please come over and have a chat we are always ready to have a collie chat... Hi De Hi campers

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