09 Dec

Hi all my friends.

Some of you will know about the last 15 years of my life fighting the 3 different type of cancers i had. I had chemo then 2 years of maintance then it came back so chemo again,plus many bouts of sepsis, phenuoina , collasped lung, slight kidney damage, diabetics amongest other health issues, and for the last 5 years of being in remmission. Well i have spent a few weeks in and out of hospital having various tests and a ct scan, the result is that the cancers all three of them have disapeared, yes not in my body/blood/or anywhere. my imunne system is normal as is everything else all the numbers are text book, and so the consultant has declared me a cancer survivour, her comment you are reselient, you are a fighter,and we really dont know how you have done it , but you are one of the lucky ones, and i dont get to say that too many times. I know that i am lucky, and that far too many never get the result i have. 

Many people over the years that i have been able to call friends have lost their battle with this deadly illness, too many for me to mention them here and many in the collie world too. For all those faceless and unknown people who have donated to cancer research, who spend hours raising money, who jump out of planes, run marathons, do what ever they need to do to raise money for people like me, people they never met, to the macmallian centres and nurses, to every one connected in this war because it is a war, I THANK YOU, for with out you I wouldn't be here. 

And lastly too my family to Barry who does so much for me too my Two daughters i love you so much, to my Grandkids Kieren, Harrision, Billy and Drew love you to the moon and back and you all kept me going. To my sister Karen thanks for the long talks and your messages of support when they were most needed. And to my friends who didnt make it, you are never forgotten. Too my dogs who kept me going for without you i would have given up a long time ago. And to the Moore family for letting us into their lives when i needed help the most. Thank you too you all as each one of you contributed to my being here and gave me the reason to fight on. And so to the next fight Diabetics here i come i will be taking you on next.  

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