06 Aug

My friends sadly passed, Barb Glover. Both Barb and Ray have been friends for a number of years .We first met many years ago when you saw my advert for rough collie pups, you had a choice of two blue boys and one in particular took your eye i nicknamed him Badger and so he came into your lives. You were on holiday when Badger was old enough to go to you and so we decided the easiest way for you to pic him up was to meet in the car park of the south mimes service's on the M25, i took all the pups and mum and dad so you could see them all, and for ever more we always had a laugh about it, as you should never buy a pup from a service station lol And we have been friends ever since. 

Barb then decided to have smooth collies and so Indi came into their lives. We went to many shows together and they enjoyed success with both Badger and Indi. 

Barb decided once she started to breed the smooths that it was unfair on the public if in a litter of smooths there was a rough coat and that the rough coated had to be sold as a smooth, surely trading standards would state that the breeder was breaking the law selling a pup that was clearly not a smooth, the Kennel club however stated that all pups in a litter of smooths were to be registered as smooths as both parents were smooth, so Barb being Barb decided it wasn’t right and she took up the fight to have the law changed within the Kennel club. This would not be an easy thing to do, so after a lot of emails/letter writing etc the Kennel club did change the law and so now any rough coated pups born into a smooth litter are registered as roughs. Thank you Barb for this piece of history making. 

Barb was well liked within the dog fraternity and she always had many words of wisdom, she never suffered fools and always stood up for the underdog. She won many court cases for friends concerning benefits, she new her stuff. Barb had a dry wit a sense of right and a love of dogs. 

Her and Ray seemed to be a good match and shared many things together including the love of camping. 

For Barb, i will miss your cheeky smile, your dry wit and humour but most of all your friendship. The many times we would video call and discuss all thing collie and try and put the world to rights I so miss those videos calls. We have been friends for many years, and shared our love of dogs.

You had fun at the shows with like minded collie lovers and when Masie was in whelp you added a pic with the caption Guess how many i said 9 and if that was right i wanted one, and yes there was 9 and so i got Diablo a cracking boy a real credit to your breeding ethics. Your life was full of ups and downs but you hit gold when you met and married Ray. Once you became ill we still kept in touch and myself and Barry have been many times to see you in the hospital, i know you knew we were there. 

Don't worry about the smooth's they have a home with me for as long as needed, and Alaska has done so well in the ring she will once again be at Crufts 2025, so i hope you will be looking down on her there and cheering her on. I will never forget you my friend you will always be with me. Every time i will be at the smooth collie ring i hope your spirit will be standing next to me, i miss you already, no words can really convey all the thoughts and feelings i have, i will carry on the stormsett torch Barb. R.I.P. my friend.

Sleep Tight .

Hi all well Barbs funeral was last Thursday, it went well, there were a lot that made the journey to say there goodbyes. It was up beat and had many memories of Barbs life. Diablo Masie Alaska and Storm were there, dressed up in silver coats with black bandanas, they were really good and Alaska and Masie i think knew why they were they as they kept looking at the coffin and whimpering a little in the end they settled down. 

Georgie had Diablo with her and they sat in the pews with Diablo being very quiet, he knew why he was there. 

My self and Angela Harvey spoke a little about Barb with own memories of her, Ray spoke and shared good memories too. Barbs son Andrew also did a reading, all together it really was a good send off.

Afterwards we all went to a small pub to talk and share memories of Barb the dogs went too of course. I am sure Barb would have approved and we hope that she was looking down with a smile.

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